We acknowledge we are part of God’s love for all people and are shaped for serving God. Following the example of our Lord Jesus, we serve others in response to God’s love. We are dedicated to love our neighbors as ourselves and to act deliberately to meet the needs of others.

Of the thousands of people who have entered our congregation for worship and then re-entered the world for service, most of us may seem only small players in the world’s drama. Even so, we are the people, the hands and the voices God has used, and will continue to use to bring to reality Jesus’ words: I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10) We praise God for all who have shared their unique gifts, contributing to the ministry of Saint Andrew’s, to the abundant joy that may have and will continue to receive.

We acknowledge we are part of God’s love for all people and are shaped for serving God. Following the example of our Lord Jesus, we serve others in response to God’s love. We are dedicated to love our neighbors as ourselves and to act deliberately to meet the needs of others.

Of the thousands of people who have entered our congregation for worship and then re-entered the world for service, most of us may seem only small players in the world’s drama. Even so, we are the people, the hands and the voices God has used, and will continue to use to bring to reality Jesus’ words: I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10) We praise God for all who have shared their unique gifts, contributing to the ministry of Saint Andrew’s, to the abundant joy that may have and will continue to receive.

St. Andrew’s

Ministry Work

Called to

The Ministry

Among the products and blessings of Saint Andrew’s existence have been the significant number of our congregation called to the ministry. During the last 40 years at Saint Andrew’s eleven of us have been inspired to study and spread the Gospel as ordained Lutheran ministers around the world. Seminarian Sarah Freyermuth has begun her study toward ordained ministry. The Reverends Garrett Struessel, Steve Sylvester, Cathy Rosenholtz, Melissa Afdahl, Anna Murphy Ballan, and Crystal Lee grew up and were confirmed at St. Andrew’s. Reverend Chad Langdon joined us at St. Andrew’s while attending college, and the Reverends Maureen Howard, Scott Simmons, and Ted Carnahan began attending and became an integral part of our congregation a bit later in life before taking the next step toward the ministry. They worshiped with us, they prayed with us, and they served in the ministry with us.