Welcome Statement

At St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church (ELCA), we hold space for you—the full you—including your race, age, ethnic background, personality, experiences, gender identity, sexual orientations, gender expressions, and mental, spiritual, and physical needs. Here, you are invited to worship, pray, play, be baptized, get married, and celebrate Holy Communion.

Together, we strive to eliminate human-caused barriers to a holy relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another. We hear the call to love our neighbor as a commitment to antiracism and welcome for our LGBTQIA+ siblings. We pledge to work intentionally to further justice and inclusion. We strive to glorify God in the ways we care for each other, our communities, and our planet. Recognizing that we are all siblings in Christ, we celebrate, affirm, and welcome individuals and families in all their beautiful and varied compositions. As a church that holds space just for you, we are better for having you and your unique voice here! Come just as you are!