​​Our God invites us into a personal relationship through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit lifts us – our hearts and our minds, our bodies and our spirits – to experience this relationship in worship.

We use traditions of the Christian faith, including scriptures and prayers Jesus used. We encourage participation by listening and speaking with God, with one another, and within ourselves.

​​Our God invites us into a personal relationship through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit lifts us – our hearts and our minds, our bodies and our spirits – to experience this relationship in worship.

We use traditions of the Christian faith, including scriptures and prayers Jesus used. We encourage participation by listening and speaking with God, with one another, and within ourselves.



Sundays at 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM

Sunday worship follows the pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending, providing nourishment for the journey for all who gather in-person or online.



Wednesdays at 6:15 PM

The mid week worship is a brief contemplative service of song, readings, prayer, and Holy Communion.

Worship is for Everyone

If you have children, know that all of you are welcome in worship. Little people sounds tell us that everyone is here. Whether you sit in any of the rows or make use of the “Prayer Ground,” your whole family is welcome in worship. The Pray Ground is a small area with quiet activities, and an up close view of worship for your little ones. The pastor also offers a Children’s Time. And if your little one becomes fussy, feel free to step out for a moment. There are audio speakers in the gathering space and a small play area for quiet play. For more information see the brochure, “All God’s Children are Welcome”


Holy Communion is celebrated at most worship services. Admission to the Sacrament is by invitation of the Lord, presented through the Church to those who are baptized. All are welcome. Grape juice and gluten free wafers are also available.