Welcome Statement
Saint Andrew’s
Lutheran ELCA Church
Columbia, MO
We are committed to sharing Christ in faith, fellowship, and service. Experience Christ’s presence in sharing of the Word and Sacrament, as well as in the gathering of God’s people at Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church.
Those who attend this church acknowledge that they are part of God’s love for all people and are shaped to serve God. Following the example of our Lord Jesus, they serve others in response to God’s love. They are dedicated to loving their neighbors as themselves and acting deliberately to meet the needs of others.
Upcoming Events
February 2025
Friday February 21 6:00 pm – Sunday February 23 10:00 am
Campout [Parish Administrator Langbart]Friday February 21 6:00 pm – Sunday February 23 10:00 am6:00 pm – 10:00 amCampout [Parish Administrator Langbart]
Who is camping with us on February 21-23? The PLC has planned a fun adventure but we need to know who is coming!
From Amanda S Fues (amandafues@hotmail.com) at Troop 706 Columbia
This message was sent to:
Amanda S Fues
Anna McMillen
Anthony Draper
Ben P Hickey
Ben T Canlas
Brent Lawrence
Brenton Koehler
Brian W Hynek
Bryce Collins
Caitlin M Collins
Chris W Arbuckle
Clint McMillen
Collin C Wise
Dan P Hickey
Daniel Hassett
Dante J Tibbetts
Dennis D Bledsoe
Emmy Mayes
Eric E McDonnell
Erica Canlas
Gabe Tibbetts
Gideon W Hynek
Gil Wilshire
Grant E McDonnell
Hank E Stelzer
Harry M Odette
Hunter Wilshire
Jacob G Fues
James R Flaherty
Jameson F Flaherty
Jessica A Tibbetts
Joe Collins
John C Savage
John R Thorpe
Julia Draper
Justin Tibbetts
Kari Mayes
Kaylee Koehler
KC C Green
Keller McMillen
Kiran Y Green
Kristel L Roberson
Leanna Lawrence
Linda Houston
Lindsey Smith
Marie Hunter
Matt Pigg
Matthew A Bledsoe
Melanie L Hynek
Melissa Collins
Michael F Fues
Michelle Bledsoe
Mike J Odette
Miles P Wilshire
Nate H Lawrence
Parish Administrator Langbart
Piper E Roberson
Quinn C Draper
Randy R Wyatt
Regina A Wilshire
Rick W Wise
Robert A Draper
Stephanie A Ward-Hickey
Tate B Canlas
Tiah Houston
Tobias A White
Tony A White
Tory Flaherty
William Mayes
Zachary N Roberson
Zane McMillen
Friday February 21
Office ClosedFriday February 21Office ClosedRecurs weekly
Pastor Frerichs's Day OffFriday February 21Pastor Frerichs's Day OffRecurs weekly
Saturday February 22
Office ClosedSaturday February 22Office ClosedRecurs weekly
- 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Volunteer at the Food BankSaturday February 228:00 am – 10:00 amVolunteer at the Food Bank
Please sign up to volunteer stocking shelves and assisting customers at the Food bank on Saturday, February 22nd from 8:00 – 10 a.m.
Sunday February 23
Office Hours 7:00 - 3:30Sunday February 23Office Hours 7:00 - 3:30Recurs weekly
- Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, martyr, died 156
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany / Lectionary 7Sunday February 23Seventh Sunday after Epiphany / Lectionary 7
Genesis 45:3-11, 15; Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50; Luke 6:27-38 (Green)
- 8:30 am – 9:30 am
Worship in-person onlySunday February 238:30 am – 9:30 amWorship in-person onlyRecurs weekly
- 9:45 am – 10:30 am
Sunday ForumSunday February 239:45 am – 10:30 amSunday Forum
Join us for the second in the Forum Series on an individual’s expression of faith in their work life. Our second speaker in this Series is Caleb Heid. He will discuss how his faith intersects with his work and in his overall life. Caleb will discuss whether there are guiding principles that he uses to approach his work; times when there is a connection between his work and faith; and how he tries to express his faith through his work. Join in February 23rd to listen to Caleb’s faith and work life story.
Go to: https://www.saintandrewslutheran.org/online-events.html
Then scroll down until you see Sunday Fellowship or Sunday Forums
And then click on Click Here to Join the Fellowship / Forum Meeting